Late For Antiquity!

(do you think they’ll have started without us?)

Archive for July, 2007

Face The Music

Posted by late4antiquity on July 26, 2007

“How you gonna make your way in the world
When you weren't cut out for workin'?
When your fingers are slender and frail?
How you gonna get around
In this sleazy bedroom town?
If you don't put your self up for sale?”
And you just can't concenrate” – Warren Zevon, The French Inhaler

Will be going to church tomorrow. Time to face the music.

“Please don't make me redundant” – David Brent

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Posted by late4antiquity on July 26, 2007

What's up there.

Right now in Wichita, KS. Have to admit it isn't as poetic as Doughty makes it out to be in True Dreams of Wichita. If you're familiar with his stuff it's the one off Ruby Vroom where he sings: “where you grip her love like a driver's license”

What else to mention? We are heading down into Oklahoma, and then into West Texas…I fly out of Lubbock, and am travelling to Seattle, Vancouver, and Portland to see the pacific northwest. I hear that Vancouver is the most striking city in all of North America.

Going to be working on my resume today. Gotta get those feelers out.

“All men are dumb, all women are fucking crazy” – REC

“El vino did flow!” – David Brent

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Road Trippin'

Posted by late4antiquity on July 19, 2007

Really feels like we're on a road trip these days. Today, driving to Des Moines, IOWA, we hit Kearney, MO – the birthplace of Frank and Jesse James

then when we hit iowa we saw signs for the birthplace of john wayne, so we checked that out.

then we realised we were in madison county

so of course we drove around the cornfields, ate at the north-something cafe, and saw as many Bridges of Madison County as we could

going to a minor league game in a few – the Iowa cubs?

Lincoln, Nebraska is our next stop. I'll be playing Springsteen's dedicated album through and through

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Posted by late4antiquity on July 15, 2007

From The Waiting:

Customer (in reference to a steak): I like a warm pink center
Ryan Renolyds – [spelling?]: “Don't we all?”

In Springfield, MO. Just came back from a weekend at THE LAKE outside of Branson. This week we're in MO, then up to Iowa, then Nebraska, and then West Texas. Yee Haw.

I am going to Seattle & Vancouver for my last vacation. Anyone else want to join, let me know. I'm flying out of Lubbock, TX on the 5th, and flying back into Alberquerque, NM on the 12th.

Other than that, been trying to center myself and figure out what the next move is. Continue working for BMW, or another marketing account. Or teach english abroad. Need to get shit worked out.

But, all these jobs I'm taking seem just to be short term solutions for a much bigger problem: I have no idea what I want to do. Some advice that my friend received from his own father resonates with me to this day:

“You just need a plan. It doesn't even have to be a good plan. Just have a plan” – Dr. K.R

And I figure my plan is to travel the earth. I can think of no better way to spend one's time nor likwise a more efficient way to learn more about the world and yourself then by travelling. Although:

“Inside skull as large as outside skull” – Allen Ginsberg

I will figure this shit out. I've dealt with harder.

Also, unfortunately at THE LAKE, a team member of ours (who is an excellent wakeboarder, attempted to do a 360 degree turn) and ended up severing his femur, in what turned out to be a freak-accident.

Here's a pictre of me back in the water after unsucessfully trying to wake-board. Completely drunk.

And another one of us chillin and relaxin' all cool:

And here's the AVIS 'We Try Harder' Pic as an added bonus: (from our deep sea fishing adventure in Corpus Christie, TX)

That's All Folks. Going to the gym. Got a new Work-Out Plan.

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Rock and Roll. Through & Through.

Posted by late4antiquity on July 11, 2007

Drove straight from Dallas TX through OK and ended up in Rogers AK. Saw a cowboy while being basically chauffered in our X5 by handy big Ed Hannigan. Doing work in what I called my “mobile office”

Stayed at the Fairmont hotel last night. Check it out.

Heading back into Missouri and then into Iowa I think. Then down to El Paso, and out west. real west.

met a real cowboy today.

“People see the shirt and tie…they know I'm rock and roll through and through” – David Brent

“hung like a SHIREHORSE”

Did you know the song “All Mixed Up” by Mark Kozalek is just a cover of The Cars original version?

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Forward March

Posted by late4antiquity on July 5, 2007

After four days of no sex and poor conversation in Nashvegas, I am due to leave

get word to dallas to rescue me

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