Late For Antiquity!

(do you think they’ll have started without us?)


Posted by late4antiquity on April 27, 2008

this writing is rapidly becoming ridiculous!

Carm. I,1.2

I rode upon a dromedary
who old & brown, and stout & merry
was startled by my livid query
and instead of staying stationary
ran from the Nile to Londonderry,
got hopped up on raw cooking sherry
(he took it rather customary)
and winced at me: the adversary.

Carm. I,1,3.

Then in attendance at the regatta
Listening to a Bach Cantada
I saw broad ships: a clear armada
paid no doubt, by the res privata
of the surly ill-born infantada
who, half-cut on strong yucca elata
Dubbed me persona non grata:
and I became a human pinata.

Thank you.

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