Late For Antiquity!

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Archive for July, 2008

Visit to the MET

Posted by late4antiquity on July 26, 2008

I went to the Met yesterday to see the Greco-Roman galleries that haven't been open to the public in sometime; I remember visiting the Met for a Humanities class in high-school and although we did see the infamous “Old woman”, I was surprised that there seemed to be a big gap between the Egyptian galleries and then the “Middle Ages” – whatever that means.

The galleries are wonderful. Brightly lit, more so than most museums that I've perused. Some pictures for you:

Why, Hello Hadrian!

Some 3rd-century (credo) figures – see what I mean about the lighting?

And I would be remiss not to include the man with the plan of Late Antiquity:

It is a bust of Constantine, and a bit larger than the photo suggests. I had to raise my arms just to get on the same plane with the emperor.

It was also a marvelous day for New York. Sunny, no humidity with a high chance of learning more and more about this wonderful age to study.

You can view some of the highlights from my trip online at this link:


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